


本文原 发表 Devex网站(www.devex).devex.com)

We have all witnessed the devasting ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted lives and livelihoods on a scale never seen before, 其影响将持续许多年.

The emergence of COVID-19 has tested our health systems beyond their limits and exposed enduring fault lines in health services. However, while we continue to work to overcome the pandemic, we must also look to the future.

医疗改革的需求从未像现在这样迫切. We need to ensure health systems can withstand future pressure and that all communities have equitable access to health care, especially if we are to tackle the silent pandemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

Listen to Leon Wang discuss future-proofing health systems in emerging economies in this virtual conversation at Devex Prescription for Progress

Despite global health care developments being accelerated by the pandemic, 糖尿病等非传染性疾病, 慢性肺病, 癌症, 心脏病仍然是世界上最大的杀手. 非传染性疾病每年导致4100万人死亡, 相当于全球死亡人数的71%. They disproportionately affect people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where more than three quarters of global NCD deaths occur and where patients’ outcomes are greatly affected by inequality in health care provision.

Infrastructure in LMICs was already stretched well beyond capacity and with all available resources poured into fighting COVID-19, 日常护理的基本提供一直是受害者, resulting in later diagnosis of NCDs and consequently life-threatening health outcomes.

Building health systems that are more resilient and able to continue to deliver routine care even during a crisis will require finding innovative ways to prevent diseases, 及早诊断病人, 并在家庭和诊所外更有效地解决这些问题. We must now pursue our collective ability to create resilience for NCDs.


在过去的几年里, we have seen an increase in the use of technology and digital solutions in many countries to help deliver enhanced care to patients and improve health outcomes, 以及减少医疗保健的环境足迹. 这是可持续护理的行动. 在大流行期间利用移动医疗咨询, patients didn’t have to travel to clinics and could access medical expertise virtually. 除了COVID-19, the rapid growth of digital healthcare is incredibly exciting and we’re optimistic about the possibilities this brings in terms of earlier diagnosis, real-time monitoring of patients to prevent deterioration and allowing patients to have greater control in their treatment by offering an individual approach to their healthcare journey.

作为澳门第一赌城在线娱乐 健康创新中心网络, we have worked with tech companies around the world — including in many LMICs — to bring to life innovative and digitally-led approaches to improving access to healthcare which includes clinical trials. 利用数字技术, we enable patients to find and participate in trials and then provide data remotely from home to proactively monitor and help manage their condition.

One area representing opportunities to make a meaningful impact to our science, 药物, 而社会正在使用人工智能, 或人工智能. 数据科学 and AI allow us to analyse and interpret colossal amounts of data at a much faster pace than is humanly possible — and perhaps more importantly, 做得更准确.

除了让澳门第一赌城在线娱乐更好地了解疾病, 人工智能系统还帮助澳门第一赌城在线娱乐设计更智能的试验, 将患者与正确的临床试验相匹配, and help us improve our supply chains when delivering 药物 or vaccines. Another way we’re using AI is for the interpretation of radiology images through a partnership with Qure.Ai,深度学习算法的开发者. It also allows for the early detection of lung 癌症 in patients across Latin America, 亚洲, 中东, 和非洲. 通过在初级保健诊所整合这项技术, we hope to see a faster diagnosis of lung 癌症 and a significant reduction in lung 癌症 mortality rates.


What COVID-19 has made painfully clear is the need for greater health equity with a shared commitment to improving population health beyond the pandemic. 推动政策变革是关键, and education and empowerment among patients and in LMIC communities are equally critical. 我很自豪 青少年健康计划 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐和联合国儿童基金会一起在澳门在线赌城娱乐设立了办事处, Plan International and others to help educate young people on disease prevention, 特别关注非传染性疾病. 自2010年启动以来, 这个项目 has reached millions of people with health information in 30 countries across six continents, 培训人数超过250人,000名同伴教育工作者和卫生保健工作者.

这样的 项目 真的有所作为吗, 但澳门第一赌城在线娱乐需要企业, 政府, 学术界, global health organisations and entrepreneurs to drive collective action at pace to address the NCD burden. Only then can we achieve the necessary sustainable health systems and equitable access that will benefit the health of people, 社会, 还有澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的星球——现在和未来的世世代代.


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