



马克·豪厄尔斯, 澳门在线赌城娱乐全球人才与发展副总裁, reflects on what we are doing to promote continuous learning through our diverse range of learning and development programmes.

Learning at Work Week (15-21 May) is an opportunity to highlight the importance of continual personal development at every stage of our careers. 今年的主题是“创造你的未来”。, which reflects the need to learn and 适应 in the face of change, so that we can drive innovation and solve the challenges of tomorrow. 

作为全球人才副总裁 & 发展 at AstraZeneca, I am passionate about lifelong learning. At AstraZeneca, we support people to own their development and create their own futures. We foster a culture of lifelong learning so that we can remain agile to deliver on our purpose of bringing life-changing medicines to patients.  

At AstraZeneca, we know that the needs of society are ever evolving. 作为一个以科学为主导的组织, we recognise the importance of empowering our employees to develop existing skills and acquire new ones so that we can build resilience, 适应未来的挑战, 帮助科学发现.


We place great emphasis on creating the right environment to support a high performing organisation. This is reflected in our long-term commitment to upskilling and reskilling, enabling our people to develop existing skills and learn new ones to advance and enhance their career within AstraZeneca. 成功的关键在于学习 & 开发(L&D) is encouraging employees to take ownership of their development. One way we do this is by offering a vast range of learning programmes for employees at all stages of their career. We have a 38% year-over-year increase of employee participation in our development programmes, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐让绝大多数人自我提名, 真正让员工拥有自己的发展.

Discover how our people have benefited from these programmes in the below video:

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐鼓励并授权个人优先考虑他们的L&澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的数字化学习体验平台, 这提供了一个单入口访问点, 学习者可以随时Search内容, 在任何地方、任何设备上. Giving employees this level of flexibility has encouraged our people to take control of their development journey and form healthy learning habits. 自推出以来,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐已经看到了超过2个.完成5200万次学习,学习者回报率高达95%.

We also nurture potential talent and future leaders and undertake immersive 发展 Centres for high potential employees. This helps to set our people up for success whilst building a sustainable talent pipeline. Our 发展 Centres and Executive Transition Labs help to retain almost all participants, 参与者的晋升率一直很高.

包容之间的联系 & 多样性与学习 & 发展

Lifelong learning involves exposure to a diverse range of perspectives and ideas, helping individuals to develop a global mindset crucial for fostering collaboration and addressing global health challenges. We pride ourselves on creating a culture of inclusion and diversity, where personal development resources are inclusive and accessible to everyone in the organisation. Our latest employee engagement survey showed that 89% of employees had improved their existing skills, 学习新技能, 或者在过去的12个月里有过开发机会. 

Along with encouraging our people to champion their own development, intrinsic to our culture are the leaders and managers that proactively support their employees’ development through engaging in forward-looking development conversations. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐已经看到了超过13个,179 line managers attend one of our development workshops since 2020 when we introduced ‘feedforward’ development reviews. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐专注于指导和前馈, we believe this supports our people in identifying their opportunities for growth, whilst establishing a psychologically-safe environment and a sense of belonging. 最新的员工敬业度调查反映了这一点, where 85% of employees said their manager gives them regular coaching to improve the contribution they make, and 89% of employees said they have had at least one quality development discussion with their line manager during the year.


Lifelong learning cultivates a mindset that embraces change and fortifies an individual’s strengths while acknowledging areas for development. 通过不断学习和接触新思想, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐创造合作网络, 发现新的视角, 并开发新颖和创造性的解决方案. 面对未来的挑战, those who have developed a habit of lifelong learning are more likely to perform, 适应, 和成长. This growth mindset helps to unlock our potential and drive innovation so we can continue to deliver life-changing medicines to patients.