克里斯是糖尿病领域的知名领导者, 肥胖与代谢研究, 他的职业生涯长达三十年. 已发表手稿180余篇, 和 has held industry 和 academic leadership roles at top institutions that include Harvard Medical School 和 the University of Washington. 克里斯也是芝加哥大学医学系的名誉教授.  

Chris’ research journey began in 1984 when he received his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of London. 后不久, he was quickly established as a pioneering force in the field of diabetes research—beginning with postdoctoral fellowships at the Joslin 糖尿病 Center/ Harvard Medical School 和 the University of 剑桥, then following with academic appointments 和 industry roles among some of the most venerated institutions in the US 和 the UK.

Chris’ diabetes research has centered on the molecular mechanisms of insulin production 和 secretion, as well as signal transduction pathways that control pancreatic beta-cells growth 和 death in relation to the pathogenesis of diabetes. 他的工作为他赢得了无数的奖项和荣誉, as well as research funding from esteemed organisations such as the Juvenile 糖尿病 Research Foundation, 美国糖尿病协会和美国国立卫生研究院. He also was a member of the National Institutes of Health Endocrinology 和 CADO Study Sections, 副主编 糖尿病, 美国糖尿病协会的期刊, a reviewer for multiple other peer-reviewed journals 和 is a frequent visiting professor 和 lecturer.

In 2015, Christopher加入澳门在线赌城娱乐,担任首席科学家, 负责开发和发展美国和英国的crvrm研究基地, as well as contributing to the product development goals 和 vision across the CVRM therapeutic area. His research continues to focus on the molecular pathogenesis of both type 1 和 type 2 diabetes, as well as the regulation of biosynthesis 和 production of polypeptide hormones; signal transduction mechanisms for insulin sensitivity; 和 novel pharmacological biologic targets for the treatment of metabolic diseases.

2019年5月,克里斯被宣布为澳门在线赌城娱乐博士后项目的新主席. 他丰富的经验, strong links to academia 和 passion for biomedical education means he has the ideal background to continue to build this industry-leading programme.

澳门在线赌城娱乐的博士后项目提供优秀的培训, 知识自由, 高影响力的出版机会, 和, 最终, 伟大科学事业的跳板. 澳门在线赌城娱乐的两个R&D组织(澳门第一赌城在线娱乐或肿瘤学), 辅以学术导师, 博士后在学术界和工业界的交汇处工作, 并从两个世界获得独特的经验组合.


我生长在一个艺术音乐的家庭, 是什么让我很早就懂得了创造力的本质. 科学需要原创思维和培养思想, 利用这种创造力是创新和重大发现的基础.

Christopher J. 罗兹博士 首席科学家,研究和早期开发,CVRM,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐R&博士,澳门在线赌城娱乐博士后项目主席






在剑桥大学的时候, Chris was an instrumental member of the team that discovered enzyme activities for proinsulin to insulin processing




建立了研究部,并帮助建立了科夫勒糖尿病中心, 在芝加哥大学任教










椅子上,医学 & JDRF科学研究委员会

美国糖尿病协会分子、细胞委员会主席 & 糖尿病的生化方面(2005-2007)



Newly synthesised proinsulin/insulin 和 stored insulin are released from pancreatic B-cells predominantly via a regulated, 而不是本构路径.

罗兹CJ,哈尔班宾夕法尼亚州. J细胞生物学. 1987; 105:145-153.

Intraorganellar Ca 和 pH control proinsulin cleavage in the pancreatic ß-cell via two site-specific endopeptidases.

Davidson HW, 罗兹CJ, Hutton JC. Nature 1988; 333:93-96.

des的优先卵裂, 32胰岛素原, over Intact Proinsulin by the Insulin Secretory Granule Type-II Endopeptidase: Implication of a Favored Route for Prohormone Processing. 

罗兹CJ,林肯B & Shoelson年代. J. 医学杂志. 化学. 1992; 267: 22719-22727.

Chronic exposure to free fatty acid reduces pancreatic ß-cell insulin content bi increasing basal insulin secretion that is not compensated for by a corresponding increase in proinsulin biosynthesis translation.

Bollheimer LC, Skelly RH, Chester MC, McGarry JD & 罗兹CJ. J. 中国. 投资. 1998; 101: 1094-1101.

Ca2+-dependent dephosphorylation of kinesin heavy chain on beta-granules in pancreatic beta-cells. 对调节β颗粒运输和胰岛素胞吐的影响. 

Donelan MJ, Morfini G, Julyan R等. J 医学杂志 化学 2002; 277:24232-24242.

Protein kinase B/Akt prevents fatty Acid-induced apoptosis in pancreatic beta -cells (INS-1).

Wrede CE, Dickson LM, Lingohr MK, Briaud I, 罗兹CJ. J. 医学杂志. 化学. 2002; 277:49676-49684.


2型糖尿病——细胞生死攸关的问题? 罗兹CJ. 科学2005,307:380-4.

A cis-element in the 5' untranslated region of the preproinsulin mRNA (ppIGE) is required for glucose regulation of proinsulin translation.

刘国强,Alarcón C, McCuaig JF, Shalev A, 罗兹CJ. 细胞金属底座. 2007 5: 221-227.



Lingohr MK, Briaud I, Dickson LM等. 2006 J. 医学杂志. 化学. 281:15884-92

Regulated autophagy controls hormone content in secretory-deficient pancreatic endocrine ß-cells.

马什BJ, Alarcón C, Soden C等.  摩尔. Endo. 2007 21: 2255-2269.

FoxO Feedback Control of Basal IRS-2 Expression in Pancreatic ß-Cells is Distinct From that in Hepatocytes.

孙永川,邓德泽,李建平等. 糖尿病2011,60:2883-2891.

Specific Glucose-Induced Control of Insulin Receptor Substrate-2 Expression is 媒体ted via Ca2+-Dependent Calcineurin/NFAT Signaling in Primary Pancreatic Islet ß-cells. 

Demozay D, Tsunekawa S, Shah R, 罗兹CJ. 糖尿病. 2011 60: 2892-2902.


罗兹CJ, White, MF, Leahy, J, Kahn SE. 2013 .中国糖尿病杂志(英文版).

Pancreatic ß-Cell Adaptive Plasticity in Obesity Increases Insulin Production but Adversely Affects Secretory Function. 

Alarcón C, Bol和 B, Uchizono Y等. 中国糖尿病杂志2016 (6):438-50.

A brain to pancreatic islet map reveals differential glucose regulation from distinct hypothalamic regions.

罗萨里奥W,辛格I, Wautlet A等. 2016年糖尿病. 65(9):2711-23

Inhibition of upper small intestinal mTOR lowers plasma glucose levels by inhibiting glucose production.

李建军,李建军,李建军,等. 2019年Nat. 通讯. 10: 714

Pancreatic β-Cell Rest Replenishes Insulin Secretory Capacity 和 Attenuates 糖尿病 in an Extreme Model of Obese Type 2 糖尿病.

李建军,李建军,李建军,等. 2019年糖尿病. 68:131-140.



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