
Pushing the boundaries of science to redefine care in haematology

尽管近年来在治疗和了解血癌方面取得了巨大进步, 对于这一多样化和复杂的疾病家族,仍有严重的需求未得到满足. 这些在治疗和护理血癌患者方面的重大差距是澳门在线赌城娱乐致力于帮助改变血液病癌症护理体验的原因.

We strive to be a scientific leader in haematology by helping to care for the 3.6 million people living with blood 癌症s* worldwide as of 2020.1

血 癌症s are a diverse and complex family of diseases. There are blood 癌症s and related disorders of the blood, 骨髓或淋巴结, 包括白血病, 淋巴瘤和骨髓瘤.2 在血液恶性肿瘤中, our core areas of focus include acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), 骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and multiple myeloma (MM).

运用澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对血癌的深刻理解,利用澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在实体肿瘤肿瘤学方面的优势, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在推动新疗法的开发,旨在针对六个科学平台上疾病的潜在驱动因素. Our signature platforms include antibody drug conjugates, immuno-oncology, DNA损伤反应, 肿瘤驱动因素和耐药性, 细胞治疗和表观遗传学.

By seeking to address blood 癌症s with high unmet needs, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是为医疗保健服务提供新的药物和方法,对患者和护理人员产生有意义的影响, transforming the haematologic 癌症 care experience.

Taking courageous, 由科学推动风险

We are bold and fearless in our approach, innovative in our mindset and committed to taking courageous, 由科学推动风险. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐由科学推动, 冒险策略是基于澳门第一赌城在线娱乐做对患者正确的事情这一基本原则, and that we pursue scientific excellence.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐强大的开发计划包括超过11项公司赞助的多种b细胞血癌临床试验, with investigational agents in pre-clinical through Phase III development.3 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐鼓励科学探索,采取明智的冒险过程,使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够适应和发展, accelerating programmes that show promise.


Delivering meaningful impact on haematology care, shaped by patient insights

Each person impacted by blood 癌症, 他们是否是病人, 照顾者, 家人或朋友, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的研究人员每天都在努力推进血液学科学的另一个原因是什么. We’re proud to be part of and to collaborate with the blood 癌症 community, integrating patient insights at key decision points of development, 帮助改变医疗保健服务,为那些与血癌作斗争的人创造新的治疗选择.

Though we are at the beginning of our ambitious journey in haematology, but through our strategic partnerships, we are advancing the healthcare ecosystem, delivering greater value for patients, 医疗保健和社会. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐为与血癌界合作取得的进展感到自豪, yet we recognise that there is far more to be done.

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a common and complex blood 癌症

CLL is the most common type of leukaemia in adults, 估计有114人,2017年全球新发病例达1万例, 随着治疗方法的改进,患者的寿命也会延长,预计慢性淋巴细胞白血病患者的数量也会增加.4,5,6,7

在慢性淋巴细胞白血病, 癌细胞挤满了骨髓,给健康的白细胞留下了更少的空间, 红细胞和血小板. This can lead to infection, anaemia and bleeding.5 When CLL ce在那 are found mostly in the lymph nodes, they are called small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) ce在那.8 The majority of CLL patients have multiple comorbid health conditions, though disease progression and complications are the primary causes of death.9

There are treatment options to help manage CLL, 然而, 一些病人, including those that are older or have other conditions, may experience serious long-term or late effects from existing therapies.10,11 对于许多CLL患者来说,即使治疗成功,疾病也可能复发.12 New therapies aim to address these needs for patients with CLL.

CLL的特点是导致疾病发展的各种分子异常, 进步与转变.13 CLL中某些生物标志物的存在越来越多地用于告知最佳治疗方案.14 

As our understanding of CLL advances, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在更多地了解这种疾病的生物标志物,以及它们在确定患者风险类别和指导治疗决策方面发挥的重要作用.13,15

Mantle cell lymphoma: a rare and highly variable 癌症

Lymphoma is a blood 癌症 of the lymphatic system. It is caused by the rapid production of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell.16 B细胞和T细胞是两种可以发展成淋巴瘤的淋巴细胞.17 两种主要的淋巴瘤是霍奇金淋巴瘤和非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)。.16 MCL是一种罕见的NHL,通常是由于b淋巴细胞在淋巴结的套区突变为恶性细胞而引起的.18,19

MCL通常在扩散到胃肠道和骨髓后被诊断为晚期疾病.18 MCL can vary in clinical presentation and aggressiveness. Symptoms may include swelling of the lymph nodes, 发热, 盗汗, 体重减轻和疲劳, 尽管有些人没有或几乎没有MCL的迹象,导致诊断和治疗延迟.17,19

There is no cure for MCL; 然而, there are treatment options to help manage the disease, and recent treatment advances have improved patient outcomes. Unfortunately, for many patients the disease may return after treatment.20 对于复发或治疗无效的患者,需要额外的治疗方案.


1. 世界卫生组织. 2020年全球癌症概况(按癌症部位分列的发病率、死亡率和患病率). http://gco.研究.fr/today/data/factsheets/populations/900-world-fact-sheets.pdf. 2023年6月访问.

2. 白血病及淋巴瘤学会. 事实和统计数据概述. http://www.在那.org/facts-and-statistics/facts-and-statistics-overview. 2023年6月访问.

3. 澳门在线赌城娱乐. Clinical Trials, Q1 2023 Results Update. 2023年3月出版. 可在:http://www.AstraZeneca.com/content/dam/az/PDF/2023/q1/Q1-2023-results-clinical-trials-appendix.pdf. 2023年6月访问.

4. 美国癌症协会. What is Chronic Lymphocytic 白血病? 可在http://www下载.癌症.org/癌症/chronic-lymphocytic-leukemia/about/what-is-cll.html. 2023年6月访问.

5. 国家癌症研究所. Chronic Lymphocytic 白血病 Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version. 可在http://www下载.癌症.gov/types/leukemia/patient/cll-treatment-pdq. 2023年6月访问.

6. 全球 Burden of Disease Cancer Collaboration. 全球, 区域, 和全国癌症发病率, 死亡率, 逝去的生命岁月, 残疾生活年数, and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years for 29 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2017. JAMA杂志. 2019;54(12):1749-1768.

7. Jain N,等. 口服靶向治疗时代慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)的患病率和经济负担. . 2015;126:871.

8. 国家癌症研究所. NCI字典. 慢性淋巴细胞白血病/ SLL. 可在:http://www.癌症.gov/publications/dictionaries/癌症-terms/def/cll-sll. 2023年6月访问.

9. Strati P,等. 疾病进展和并发症是慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)患者死亡的主要原因,与诊断时的年龄和合并症无关. . 2015;126(23):5265.

10. 白血病 & 淋巴瘤的社会. 治疗类型. 可在:http://www.在那.org/treatment/types-of-treatment. 2023年6月访问.

11. 白血病 & 淋巴瘤的社会. Long-Term and Late Effects for Cancer Survivors. 可在:http://www.在那.org/managing-your-癌症/long-term-and-late-effects-for-癌症-survivors. 2023年6月访问.

12. 淋巴瘤研究基金会. Understanding Chronic Lymphocytic 白血病/Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma. 可在:http://lymphoma.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/LRF_FACTSHEET_CLL_SLL-1.pdf. 2023年6月访问.

13. Moia R,等. Precision Medicine Management of Chronic Lymphocytic 白血病. 癌症. 2020年3月10日;12(3):642. Doi: 10.3390 / 癌症s12030642.

14. Amaya-Chanaga CI and Rassenti LZ. 慢性淋巴细胞白血病的生物标志物:临床应用和预后标志物. 最佳实践治疗临床血液病. 2016年3月,29 (1):79 - 89.

15. Lee J和Want YL. Prognostic and Predictive Molecular Biomarkers in Chronic Lymphocytic 白血病. J分子诊断. 2020年9月1日;22(9):1114-1125.

16. 淋巴瘤研究基金会. 对淋巴瘤. http://lymphoma.org/aboutlymphoma/. 2023年6月访问.

17. 淋巴瘤研究基金会. 非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL). http://lymphoma.org/aboutlymphoma/nhl/. 2023年6月访问.

18. 淋巴瘤研究基金会. 套细胞淋巴瘤. http://lymphoma.org/aboutlymphoma/nhl/mcl/. 2023年6月访问.

19. National Organization for Rare Disorders. 套细胞淋巴瘤. http://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/mantle-cell-lymphoma/. 2023年6月访问.

20. 白血病 & 淋巴瘤的社会. 套细胞淋巴瘤事实. http://www.在那.org/sites/default/files/file_assets/mantlecelllymphoma.pdf. 2023年6月访问.

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