

Ovarian 癌症 is a devastating disease which affects the primary reproductive organs for females. 卵巢在出生时就形成了身体组织, 直到非常复杂, 一旦雌性进入青春期,身体成熟, 她的卵巢也是如此.1,2

Despite advances in treatment, ovarian 癌症 is one of the most common female 癌症s3 和 one of the most common causes of death from 癌症 in women worldwide.4 的 goals of front-line therapy have always been to delay progression of the disease for as long as possible 和 maintain the patient’s quality of life with the intent of achieving complete remission - yet currently ~70% of patients relapse within three years of initial treatment.5,6,7,8

的se statistics show t在这里 is still much to be done for women with ovarian 癌症 和 that t在这里 needs to be a clear 和 accessible underst和ing of the latest scientific advancements 和 novel therapies. 在澳门在线赌城娱乐澳门第一赌城在线娱乐将注意力集中在这一领域. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是 help improve the outcomes of these patients 和 our ambition is to one day eliminate 癌症 as a cause of death.


To underst和 ovarian 癌症, we must first underst和 evolving role of the ovaries. One function only starts at puberty; the ovaries secrete reproductive hormones, 最常见的是雌激素和黄体酮, to drive the reproductive cycle 和 develop physical female characteristics. 当女性进入更年期, 通常是四五十岁, ovaries stop producing as much oestrogen 和 no longer release an egg each month,9,10 和 月经周期停止.

的 amount of hormone secreted t在这里fore changes not only throughout the menstrual cycle but also across a lifespan. T在这里 is also disparity in ovarian 癌症 across the ages; although younger women can develop ovarian 癌症, 它通常影响到更年期的女性,11 with over two-thirds of diagnoses being in women aged 55 和 above.12


T在这里’s a reassuring link between rapid diagnosis of ovarian 癌症 和 improved survival.13 癌症的发展经历了四个阶段, from early (stages 1-2) to late (stages 3-4) 和 once it has become ‘advanced’, it may have spread from the ovaries to other parts of the body 和 can be more challenging to control.8,13

Two thirds of women are currently diagnosed with late-stage disease, 当癌症已经扩散到卵巢以外的时候, 使其更难治疗, 大大降低了存活率. Despite this clear correlation between rapid diagnosis 和 survival, 大多数卵巢癌在晚期才被诊断出来14,15 ——可是为什么呢??

Part of the complexity comes from recognising early symptoms so that the 癌症 can be diagnosed at an early stage. 症状是非特异性的, meaning they can often go unnoticed or may be misdiagnosed for another illness until the 癌症 is advanced.3,16  重要的是要记住四种最常见的症状, 列在这里, 可能也不能说明癌症的存在.

另一个原因是,与其他癌症不同,re is still no reliable 和 effective screening method for ovarian 癌症,2,17 进一步推迟了诊断的能力. 众所周知,某些生活方式18 和 medical factors do indicate an increased risk of developing ovarian 癌症 which go beyond age, 比如缺乏平等, 子宫内膜异位症或卵巢家族史, 乳房, 或者结肠直肠癌.3,19  除了身体特征和生活方式因素, a woman’s genetic makeup can also influence her risk of developing ovarian 癌症.


Every cell in the body suffers from DNA damage 和 undergoes a repair process in order to function normally.20 的 同源重组修复 (HRR) pathway is just one genetic pathway which produces proteins, 比如BRCA1/2, 等, 通过双链断裂进行修复过程. PARPs [poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerases] are an example of a family of enzymes vital to another genetic pathway, 来修复单链DNA断裂.20,21 This DNA damage response (DDR) shines a light on the connection between gene mutation 和 ovarian 癌症.

HRD代表 同源重组缺陷; a lack of functional components in one or more of the DNA repair pathways 和 a common trait of 癌症 cells, 哪些基因突变率高. BRCA就是一个例子. Both men 和 women possess BRCA1 和 BRCA2 proteins which when functioning normally, 作为肿瘤抑制因子.22,23 的ir role within the HRR pathway is to repair cell damage 和 prevent them from growing 和 dividing too quickly – mutated BRCA genes result in abnormal cells which grow uncontrollably24 只是众多人权捍卫者中的一员.

You can find out more about the DDR, HRD 和 other molecules involved 在这里.


Genetic testing allows both clinicians 和 patients to make an informed decision when it comes to the treatment they receive. Conducting testing prior to or at the point of diagnosis can be important in improving patient care 和 enabling access to certain targeted therapies.25 By underst和ing the heritability of a woman’s 癌症 (if the mutation she possesses can be inherited), a patient’s family can also underst和ir risk of developing the disease – underst和ing the full picture has important implications for 癌症 risk assessment 和 prevention among relatives.23


It’s one thing to know the link between genetic mutations 和 癌症 development, another to leverage the science 和 target genetic vulnerability in order to optimise treatment. Targeted therapy for advanced ovarian 癌症 hinges on underst和ing the repair pathways 和 exploiting HRD by targeting PARPs. 通过抑制parp, cells cannot repair single-str和ed DNA breaks through its normal way 和 must rely on other pathways (such as HRR) to do so. 因为癌细胞有HRD,re are already fewer functional pathways; for BRCA mutations, HRR通路更少. This means cellular damage goes beyond the point of repair 和 results in cell death. 因此,异常细胞的生长被阻止.20

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对如何利用人力资源开发的理解正在不断发展. We will continue our research in this pathway to further our underst和ing of how treatment options 和 combinations can potentially help achieve the best possible outcome.

治疗分为积极治疗和维持治疗. 积极治疗包括手术, chemotherapy 和 radiotherapy 和 maintenance therapy typically follows one round of active treatment. 当卵巢癌患者处于缓解期时, she may have no treatment or otherwise undergo maintenance therapy to control the 癌症.26,27 年龄可能会影响这种治疗选择.28


作为先驱者, AstraZeneca has a portfolio of approved 和 potential treatment for advanced ovarian 癌症 including in newly diagnosed patients. 通过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的研究, we have made progress in increasing the time that women can live without disease progression 和 improving quality of life. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的方法 is based on using ground-breaking science to further our underst和ing of targeted therapy within ovarian 癌症, focusing on patients with HRD 和 transferring our learnings to the wider patient population 和 paving the way to achieve the best possible outcomes for progression-free 和 overall survival.

Although progress has been made to underst和 disease 和 novel therapies,re is still a very long way to go to expose the threat of ovarian 癌症 和 help save more lives. Improvements in earlier diagnosis 和 accelerated access to the best available diagnostic testing 和 medicines are achievable goals which could help save countless lives.


作为一个创始成员 卵巢癌承诺 (OCC), together with our partners European Society of Gynaecological 肿瘤学 (ESGO) 和 European network of Gynaecological 癌症 Advocacy Groups (ENGAGe), we have a bold ambition to improve the experience 和 survival of people living with ovarian 癌症.

We are committed to working with communities 和 healthcare systems to help 促成改变 卵巢癌的诊断和治疗方法. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是 促进 早期干预 – including highlighting the importance of access to rapid diagnosis, 遗传和生物标记检测和专门护理 并赋予医疗团队权力 as they provide ongoing management 和 support for those living with this disease.

OCC为合作伙伴提供了一个平台 保证他们的承诺 实施切实的行动. We aim to increase membership of partner organisations as the initiative evolves, to reflect 和 address remaining gaps in the care of those with ovarian 癌症 across the globe.

奥利维亚: A unique digital support resource to help guide ovarian 癌症 patients

奥利维亚, 数字化患者路径 由卵巢癌承诺组织开发的, is a comprehensive resource to help address the needs of everyone affected by ovarian 癌症. 奥利维亚 truly is a single source of information on ovarian 癌症, 有教育文章, 视频故事和资源目录. From a dedicated section for those who are newly diagnosed with ovarian 癌症 to an interactive pathway for those receiving 和 recovering from treatment, 在他们经历的每一个阶段都支持他们.

奥利维亚 is currently available in several languages with further languages coming soon to eliminate any barriers for those seeking information. 访问 奥利维亚 for guidance 和 support throughout your ovarian 癌症 experience.

Shedding light on the need for rapid diagnosis in ovarian 癌症

OCC发起的第二个倡议是不要忽视:一个专家护理倡议,旨在 提高对卵巢癌症状的认识专科护理的好处 for those living with the disease 和 accelerate access to centralised specialist care.

通过启动“不要忽视”, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是揭示卵巢癌护理方面的差距, urge women 和 physicians not to overlook ovarian 癌症 和 upskill Patient Advocacy Groups 和 Primary Care Physicians.


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