Pharmaceuticals in the environment

病人排泄, 对未使用药物的不当处理和药物生产中的排放导致活性药物成分(api)释放到环境中. 潜在影响包括低水平和/或长期接触对野生动物和人类健康的影响.

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We lead our industry in the management of PIE-related topics. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐是第一家公布经过外部验证的药品生产和制剂设施排放限制指标的公司. We were also the first company to publish environmental risk assessment (ERA) data on our website and we are the only company with a 发布方法 to ecopharmacovigilance (EPV). EPV确保澳门第一赌城在线娱乐审查可能改变澳门第一赌城在线娱乐评估和管理药物环境风险方式的新信息. Read more about our specific approaches to managing PIE in the sections below.

In many cases, our APIs are not detected in the environment. When our APIs have been detected, 在几乎所有的情况下,这些原料药通过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的EPV过程显示对环境造成的风险很低或微不足道. T在这里 can be some location-specific environmental risks for particular pharmaceuticals, 特别是在污水处理可能不足和大量人口将废物排入稀释程度低的河流的地区. Our ongoing EPV monitors whether increases in the global population, an ageing population demographic, increased access to medicines in low- and middle-income countries, urbanisation and/or changes in disease epidemiology will change these risks in the future.

澳门在线赌城娱乐与学术思想领袖合作,开发新的工具和知识,以帮助了解药品带来的环境风险. We are also committed to supporting the next generation of environmental scientists. 在任何时候, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐支持大约10名博士生与英国研究创新合作, 谁在对保护自然环境的关键问题进行研究. We are committed to progressing the science of PIE and continue to produce 科学出版物 在这个领域.

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Safe API Discharge Programme

Waste from the manufacture of medicines can be a local, 断断续续的问题在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的控制范围内,因此澳门第一赌城在线娱乐处理好这个问题很重要. While t在这里 are currently no, 或几, regional regulatory requirements, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的生产基地和供应商的生产基地实施了“安全API排放”计划. We are transparent about the 方法 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐跟着 discharge concentration targets we have established for our APIs, and we support and follow the principles of the IAI technical guidance document on responsible manufacturing effluent management in the implementation of these. We assign two discharge concentrations for each API, one for long-term exposure, an Environmental Reference Concentration (ERC), and one for short-term exposure called a Maximum Tolerable Concentration (MTC). If a site identifies an exceedance of either of these reference concentrations, we conduct a thorough investigation and implement the necessary corrective actions. We set measurable targets with respect to API discharges, and report against these in our annual sustainability report. 

EcoPharmacoVigilance Dashboard

As a result of patient use and manufacture, pharmaceuticals are found in the aquatic environment, 通常在 nanograms per litre concentrations澳门在线赌城娱乐对其产品进行了强有力的环境风险评估,除了澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的安全API排放计划 manufacturing facilities.

作为其正在进行的一部分 EcoPharmacoVigilance AstraZeneca also undertakes a quarterly search of the published, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的活性药物成分(api)的环境残留检测报告的同行评审科学文献,以了解现实世界的环境风险. 在Search中包含的40个api中,已经找到了32个api的测量数据报告. 这些测量的环境浓度(MECs)已被提取并格式化为透明的可视化. 生态药物警戒仪表板将这些mec与用于环境评估的预测无影响浓度(PNECs)呈风险关系. Calculated RQs that are displayed as 0.0 denote risk quotients that are lower than 1x10-9.


的 EcoPharmacoVigilance Dashboard was developed in association with Simomics Ltd. 为了获得最佳体验,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐建议使用最新版本的Chrome、Edge、Safari或Firefox.
