Developing cell-based therapies to put 癌症 cures within reach



戈登·穆迪, Senior Director, Cell Therapy, 肿瘤学 R&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐


Senior Director, Cell Therapy, 肿瘤学 R&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐


马克Cobbold, Vice President, Head of Cell Therapy, 肿瘤学 R&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐


Vice President, Head of Cell Therapy, 肿瘤学 R&D、澳门在线赌城娱乐


细胞疗法 在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的生活中起着举足轻重的作用 消灭癌症的雄心 作为死因. 在澳门在线赌城娱乐, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在推进多种策略,旨在提高癌症细胞治疗的准确性和有效性, extending their potential benefit to solid tumours, and overcoming challenges related to scalability and accessibility.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是扩大下一代T细胞疗法的变革性影响,让更多的癌症患者受益. To achieve this, we are focussing on three key areas:

1.       Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapies (CAR-T)
2.       t细胞受体疗法
3.       Off-the-shelf, patient-ready cell therapies

We aspire to be at the cutting-edge of science, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在通过战略性的内部和外部投资建立行业领先的能力. 这有助于澳门第一赌城在线娱乐利用基因编辑和制造方面的最新创新, unlocking new ways to build better therapeutic T cells. 

Advancing today’s cell therapies and developing tomorrow’s 癌症 breakthroughs

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正处于一个激动人心的时代,科学家们可以对患者自身的T细胞(免疫系统的第一道防线)进行重新编程,以制造针对其特定肿瘤的“活药物”.1 自从第一批此类药物问世以来, 称为CAR-T, 于2017年获批, 这个领域呈指数级增长.2 今天,它被认为是少数几种能够治疗某些癌症的方法之一.1 目前,car - t被用于治疗某些血癌,如淋巴瘤和多发性骨髓瘤.1,2

然而, 在癌症治疗中广泛采用细胞疗法存在一些障碍:

1.  对实体瘤的疗效有限

2.  无障碍的问题

3.  与可伸缩性相关的挑战

In order to make cell therapy a mainstay of future 癌症 treatment regimens, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐需要超越今天的创新来解决可扩展性和可访问性方面的挑战, and to expand their potential to solid tumours.

Bringing 癌症 cell therapy to solid tumours

Building better therapeutic T cells: 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 表盘框架

Regardless of how potent a cell therapy is, its activity will be limited if it cannot locate, 渗透, accumulate and persist in the target tumour. 恶性实体瘤微环境(TME)可以阻碍肿瘤的浸润, 函数, 扩大T细胞疗法.3

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 表盘框架-它代表分布, 渗透, 积累, and Longevity—is designed to account for these factors, 最大化从临床前模型中获得的见解,以全面了解T细胞的旅程, aiding in the design of more effective cell therapies for 癌症.4

Armoured CAR-Ts: equipping cell therapies to resist the immunosuppressive TME

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对…理解的进步 immune 函数 in suppressive conditions are informing novel ways to manipulate T cells genetically, 这样澳门第一赌城在线娱乐就可以提高它们的活性和持久性,目标是提供更持久的抗肿瘤免疫.5

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的研究人员正在开发装甲分子,旨在抵抗免疫抑制和防止免疫衰竭. 利用阻断TME中TGFβ活性获得的有希望的临床前结果,6 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在推进一种针对难以治疗的实体肿瘤的装甲car -t疗法, 包括胃, 前列腺癌和肝癌, some of which are being co-developed in China in collaboration with AbelZeta.在某些情况下, 这些研究性疗法的目的是针对以前从未在人体临床试验中针对过的抗原.


Beyond CAR-Ts - T cell receptor targeting

Complementing our efforts in CAR-Ts, we have expanded into T细胞受体疗法,通过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的收购 新第三纪疗法. While CAR-Ts target antigens on the surface of 癌症 cells, TCR-Ts can identify intracellular proteins, unlocking new treatment opportunities in cell therapy.8 TCR-Ts therefore have potential as new treatments directed against solid tumours, and have already entered clinical trials.

‘Off-the-shelf’ 癌症 cell therapies: addressing scalability and accessibility

Current approaches in oncology predominantly focus on ‘autologous’ CAR-Ts, 从病人身上分离出T细胞,并对其进行基因改造,以识别癌症的特异性抗原.1,9 Although these can be highly effective, each product is made for a single patient, 哪个是复杂和耗时的. 另外, 对专门基础设施的需求限制了专科医院的专门治疗中心获得这些药物.

提供现成的疗法, also known as allogeneic 癌症 cell therapies, using cells from healthy donors rather than individual patients, 能够克服这些挑战.10

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐迫切需要使癌细胞疗法更具可扩展性和可及性. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的 vision is to develop a library of ‘off-the-shelf’ therapies to achieve this.

然而, there are challenges associated with allogeneic therapy. One challenge is preventing graft-versus-host disease, 这是一种危及生命的疾病,供体T细胞攻击受体的非癌组织.10 供体细胞和受者免疫系统的不匹配也可能导致排斥, 使治疗无效.10澳门在线赌城娱乐, we are researching innovative ways to engineer donor cells, mitigating these immune reactions to create effective new treatments.

Accelerating our cell therapy expertise through internal and external innovation


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐不断增长的内部专业知识和能力得到战略投资和合作的补充, including the recent acquisition of Gracell Biotechnologies, 这加速了澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的血液病细胞治疗雄心,并引入了差异化的制造技术.

Through our partnership with Cellectis, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在用最先进的TALEN编辑技术补充澳门第一赌城在线娱乐内部的CRISPR专业知识, 创建一个基因编辑工具包,能够以更高的精度和复杂性编辑更广泛的基因. This could enable us to build better therapeutic T cells, with improved tumour targeting and persistence, and to address challenges in host rejection of allogeneic therapies.

Join us: Developing the next wave of cell therapies to target 癌症

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐欢迎, 才华横溢的细胞治疗科学家加入澳门第一赌城在线娱乐,这将是最令人兴奋的之一, stimulating and rewarding journeys in 21st century medicine.




1.  Finck A V, Blanchard T, Roselle CP, Golinelli G, June CH. Engineered cellular immunotherapies in 癌症 and beyond. 中华医学杂志;2009;28(4):678-89.

2.  Saez-Ibañez AR, Upadhaya S, Partridge T, Shah M, Correa D, Campbell J. Landscape of 癌症 cell therapies: trends and real-world data. 新药物发现,2022;21(9):631 - 32.

3.  Kankeu Fonkoua LA, Sirpilla O, Sakemura R, Siegler EL, Kenderian SS. CAR - T细胞治疗和肿瘤微环境:当前的挑战和机遇. 生物化学学报(英文版);2009;25 (5):693 - 693.

4.   贾尔迪诺·托奇亚ML,穆迪G. 基因修饰过继细胞免疫疗法的临床前特性研究. 14 . Front Immunol 2023.

5.    Barry ST, Gabrilovich DI, Sansom OJ, Campbell AD, Morton JP. Therapeutic targeting of tumour myeloid cells. Nat Rev Cancer 2023;

6.    Spender LC, John Ferguson G, Hughes GD, et al. 中国生物医学工程学报(英文版);2009;31 (2):344 - 344.

7.    Zanvit P, van Dyk D, Fazenbaker C, et al. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2023;133(22).

8.    赵丽,曹玉军. Engineered T Cell Therapy for Cancer in the Clinic. 10 .免疫学杂志2019.

9.    国家癌症研究所. CAR T 细胞: Engineering patients’ immune cells to treat their 癌症s. 网上: 2024年4月发布.

10.   Furukawa Y, Hamano Y, Shirane S, et al. 异体癌细胞治疗进展及利用iPSC技术和基因编辑的“现成”T细胞治疗的未来展望. 细胞. 2022;11(2).

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